WP4 - Philippe Rozenberg - INRA

Coordination and dissemination (link)


Project coordination, management, internal and external dissemination

Work Package Number 4



Work Package Title

Coordination and dissemination


Activity Type

(e.g. Research, Training, Management, Communication, Dissemination…)

Management, communication, dissemination


Participant Short Name




Person-months per Participant:




Objectives Project coordination, management, internal and external dissemination


Description of Work (possibly broken down into tasks), lead participant and role of participants and seconded staff

Leader of the task: P. Rozenberg, INRA

4.1 Project coordination (P. Rozenberg, INRA)

4.2 Financial management (P. Montès, INRA). TOPWOOD financial management will be ensured by experienced INRA staff.

4.3 Internal dissemination: intranet website, newsletter, visio conference (every 6 months) and project meetings (2) (B. Viguier and P. Montès, INRA). Specialized INRA staff will be in charge of the creation and maintenance of the website, edition of the newsletter and will participate to the organization of the project meetings.

4.4 External dissemination

4.4.1 Project website, scientific and technical publications (B. Viguier, INRA). Here also, specialized INRA staff will be in charge of the creation and maintenance of the external part of the website and will participate to the preparation of the project publications.

4.4.2 Dissemination to the wood industry: organization of four local wood industry conferences (Ourense Spain, Orléans France, Bariloche and Montecarlo Argentina, E. Merlo, MADERA PLUS). In the wood industry meetings, seconded staff from three participants will demonstrate to the forest and wood industry the benefit of early measurement of wood properties and will present the relevant tools and methodologies.

4.4.3 Final international conference (G. Dalla Salda and A. Martinez Meier INTA). TOPWOOD participants will be encouraged to present, confront and discuss their results with the international scientific community.

4.5 Project of International Associated laboratory between INRA and INTA (P. Rozenberg, INRA and A. Martinez-Meier, INTA). INRA and INTA seconded staff will take advantage of TOPWOOD to demonstrate to their supervisors the interest of the association of INTA Bariloche and INRA Val de Loire laboratories in an international associated laboratory.


Deliverables (brief description and month of delivery)

23. Three project meetings at Tandil (month 3), Orléans (month 22) and Bariloche (month 45) (P. Montès with M.E. Fernandez and G. Dalla-Salda)

24. TOPWOOD website (B. Viguier, INRA)

25. TOPWOOD newsletter (eight issues) (B. Viguier, INRA)

26. TOPWOOD periodic visio conference of the scientific council (six conferences) (B. Viguier, INRA)

27. Four wood industry conferences (Orléans month 22, Ourense month 42, Bariloche and Montecarlo month 45) (E. Merlo, MADERA PLUS)

28. Final International Conference at Bariloche, month 45 (G. Dalla-Salda, INTA, with P. Montès, INRA)

29. Periodic reporting (P. Rozenberg, INRA)

30. Official request for the creation of an International Associated Laboratory between INRA and INTA (P. Rozenberg, INRA, A. Martinez-Meier, INTA)