TOPWOOD Mid-term meeting June_2016_Vienna

TOPWOOD Mid-term meeting with two REA officers.

June 7 2016, Vienna, Austria

Four members of the TOPWOOD coordination committee (Mrs S. Rosner, Austria, G. Dalla-Salda, Argentina, E. Merlo, Spain, and Mr P. Rozenberg, France) met two REA project officers (Mrs Laura Apostol and Alina Suhetzki, who is the new TOPWOOD project officer) at Vienna, Austria. Two other members (Mr A. Martinez, Argentina and Mr. V. Segura), as well as several seconded staff in Spain, France and Argentina participated to the meeting via videoconference.

The meeting was an opportunity to present and discuss the progress of the project. The realized secondments and the progress in the work packages were presented and discussed.

At the time of the meeting, 11 secondments were finished, five on-going and two delayed. Some administrative and financial aspects of TOPWOOD coordination were also presented and debated. Namely, the relative incompatibility between the INRA internal regulations and the RISE projects management options was freely examined and discussed.